$10,000 - Gossip of Mermaids
$5,000 - Shiver of Sharks
$2,500 - Pod of Whales
$1,000 - Shoal of Squid
$500 - Squadron of Pelicans
$250 - School of Fish
*Benefits of sponsorship levels listed below
If you would like to send a check, please address it to the Inland Ocean Coalition and mail to: 4669 7th Street, Boulder, CO 80304
For more information about the event, please visit our website.
$10,000 - Gossip of Mermaids
$5,000 - Shiver of Sharks
$2,500 - Pod of Whales
$1,000 - Shoal of Squid
$500 - Squadron of Pelicans
$250 - School of Fish
Thank you for supporting the Inland Ocean Coalition!
Thank you for your generous gift! With your sponsorship, we will continue protecting our ocean, waterways, and climate, for generations to come.
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