Be a part of our inland ocean family this Giving Tuesday by making a gift to our ocean and waterways! Inland communities are tied to the coasts through our waterways, our ocean affects us all—everyone on this planet depends on a healthy ocean.
Ocean protection is at the heart of what we do. With the recent change in leadership, we've never been more hopeful about our ability to make real progress on the most important issues facing our ocean—healthy fisheries and waterways, supporting marine protected areas, stopping plastic pollution and offshore oil development, and addressing climate change.
Our unique niche allows us to convey to our Congressional leaders that all of us have a stake in ocean protection, no matter where we live. We push for individual and collective change and give inland communities impactful ways to be part of the solution.
By giving today, you are joining the movement for land-to-sea stewardship, protecting our ocean planet for generations to come.
Boulder, CO 80304
The Inland Ocean Coalition is a project of The Ocean Foundation, a tax-exempt non-profit organization, under the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and therefore all charitable donations are deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Having trouble donating? Contact us at cevans@inlandoceancoalition.org or at 720-253-2007