| | With the recent change of leadership in the United States, we are very much looking forward to advancing sound ocean and water policy and to working to undo the damage done to our natural heritage over the past four years. Our major areas of focus in the coming year will be supporting new and existing marine protected areas, fighting offshore oil development and plastic pollution, ensuring we have healthy fish populations and a strong fisheries management system, and working to address climate change through ocean-based solutions. We are hopeful and excited to get to work undoing what has been done and ensuring we all have a thriving, abundant planet for generations to come. | | | Support the Inland Ocean Coalition this Giving Tuesday! | | | |  | Be a part of our inland ocean family this Giving Tuesday by making a gift to our ocean and waterways! Inland communities are tied to the coasts through our rivers, lakes, and streams, which all lead downhill to the ocean, and everyone on this planet depends on a healthy ocean. Ocean protection is at the heart of what we do. With a recent change in leadership, we've never been more hopeful about our ability to make real progress on the most important issues facing our ocean planet. We hope you'll consider supporting our ocean and waterways this Giving Tuesday! | | | | | | House Dems Introduce Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act | | | |  | Scientists have extensively documented the impacts climate change is having on the ocean. As greenhouse gas emissions have increased, the ocean has become hotter, more acidic, and less habitable for fish and wildlife. But the ocean is not just a victim of climate change. It’s also a powerful source of solutions that have the potential to provide a fifth of the greenhouse gas emission reductions needed globally to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. The Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act of 2020, sponsored by House Natural Resources Committee Chair Raúl Grijalva and several of his colleagues, is comprehensive and ambitious legislation that leverages the ocean’s potential in the fight against climate change. By implementing a full suite of ocean-based climate solutions, the legislation would bolster frontline communities most at risk from climate change, increase the resilience of ocean ecosystems, and put the United States back in a leadership role in the global effort to fight the climate crisis. Read more here. | | | | | | | Thank You for Making the Masquerade Mermaid Ball a Success! | | | | Attendees of the 2020 Masquerade Mermaid Ball donned their finest mermaid-masquerade costumes to take part in the one-hour production featuring special guest appearances from Dr. Sylvia Earle, Julie Packard, Director of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and Congressman Joe Neguse, as well as a merman transformation contest and address from our Executive Director, Vicki! With the support of our wonderful donors, sponsors, volunteers, auction donors, and partners, we were able to raise almost $48,000! These funds will go directly toward protecting our ocean and waterways. We look forward to seeing you in 2021 (hopefully in person)! | | | | | Sharks in Covid-19 Vaccines? | | Humans are already responsible for the deaths of over 100 MILLION sharks annually, something that is highly unsustainable and puts our entire ocean at risk. To make matters worse, shark squalene, produced from shark liver oil, is a prominent ingredient in vaccines, and with the search for a Covid-19 vaccine, shark deaths could increase dramatically. Shark allies warns that some 500,000 sharks could be killed if a Covid-19 vaccine with shark squalene is effective. There are plant-based alternatives to shark squalene that are just as effective. Please join with our partners in the conservation community in calling for a transition to the use of non-animal squalene in vaccines. | | | | | | | | | GroupRaise Meal, Colorado Chapter, November 18, 5-8pm Join the Inland Ocean Coalition for an exciting Group Raise meal at Modern Market Eatery! To participate, just go to Modern Market Eatery's website and order takeout. Use the promo code "giveback001" and 30% of your meal’s price will be donated to Inland Ocean Coalition. Sign up to eat here! | | | | | Blue Friday Community Cleanup, Wyoming Chapter, November 27, 1 hour (you choose!) Blue Friday is our environmentally friendly twist on the day traditionally known for consumption - Black Friday. The data collected will be submitted to ocean conservation organizations to further their work on reducing the impacts of marine debris. The goal of Blue Friday is to encourage our communities to think before consuming on Black Friday, and to add some environmental activism and outdoor time to a day normally spent in long lines at stores. Learn more here! | | | | | | | | Inland Ocean Coalition Boulder, Colorado The Inland Ocean Coalition is a project of The Ocean Foundation, a 501(c)(3) | | | | | | | | |